Places to read a book at night in Nashville

A cozy corner at Americano Lounge

One time a long time ago, a friend asked me where to go to read after work. It was such a good question because there were no easy answers. Most Nashville coffee shops close early, so where do you go if you want to read a book around other people, or with a drink that you did not make?

Fortunately, there are a few places that can accommodate a social bookworm. The following places all meet my criteria of:

  • a) open past 6:00
  • b) not too loud
  • c) not too dark
  • and d) offers beverages (with or without booze).

📖 Americano Lounge – This Jazz Age coffee shop in Wedgewood Houston also offers cocktails and cozy seating. Just be mindful of jazz or poetry nights, etc., if you’re looking for a quieter vibe.
📖 Urban Cowboy Parlor Bar – we all know and love the outdoor bar, but have you been to Parlor Bar inside? It’s a very aesthetic wine bar, perfect for finding a cozy corner.
📖 Hutton Hotel – I polled my IG audience on where they like to read, and many suggested hotel lobbies. Hutton Hotel is great because there are lots of couches and plush chairs throughout, but you also have easy access to Evelyn’s and their delicious food and drinks. One of my favorite hotel restaurants – it is very good.
📖 Restoration Hardware – Did you know you can order from the bar and wander around the store, making yourself at home? Is it terrifying to have red wine in your hand on those expensive couches? A little. But also exhilarating. And it’s the best rooftop for reading for sure.
📖 Caliber Coffee – a traditional coffee shop, Caliber is thankfully open until 8 pm. They also have good small meals if you’re hungry and they’re just the nicest people.
📖 The Joseph – Another hotel lobby, I love the studious vibe of the Joseph a fireplace, desk lamps, and open reference books. For serious readers only! 🤓
📖 Land of a Thousand Hills Edgehill – open til 9 during the week, LTH offers both coffee and cocktails, for whatever suits your mood!
📖 The Hermitage Hotel – yes, you have to go downtown for this one, but it’s stunning and there’s a bar right in the lobby (and those famous bathrooms!)
📖 Sip Sobro – while I’ve not been there after hours to vouch for the sound levels, the day time vibe is perfectly suitable for working, reading, or just having fun with friends. And, they offer coffee and beer, and a few free downtown parking spots!

What did I miss? If there are any you love, please let me know so I can add them to the list.

Also, breweries and other spots around town are hosting Silent Book Clubs/reading nights with more regularity. Whenever I see those, I add them to my events newsletter, so if you’re not already subscribed, head to my contact page to sign up!

Happy reading! ✨


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